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Minimal required:

  redisUri: "redis://localhost:6379"
    - name: "cpu"
        - name: "min-cores"
          value: "*"
        - name: "max-cores"
          value: "*"
  publicName: "localhost:8981"

The configuration can be provided to the server and worker as a CLI argument or through the environment variable CONFIG_PATH For an example configuration containing all of the configuration values, see examples/config.yml.

All Configurations


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesCommand Line ArgumentDescription
digestFunctionSHA256, SHA1 Digest function for this implementation
defaultActionTimeoutInteger, 600 Default timeout value for an action (seconds)
maximumActionTimeoutInteger, 3600 Maximum allowed action timeout (seconds)
maxEntrySizeBytesLong, 2147483648 Maximum size of a single blob accepted (bytes)
prometheusPortInteger, 9090–prometheus_portListening port of the Prometheus metrics endpoint
allowSymlinkTargetAbsoluteboolean, false Permit inputs to contain symlinks with absolute path targets


digestFunction: SHA1
defaultActionTimeout: 1800
maximumActionTimeout: 1800
prometheusPort: 9090


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesEnvironment VarDescription
instanceTypeSHARD Type of implementation (SHARD is the only one supported)
nameString, shard Implementation name
publicNameString, DERIVED:portINSTANCE_NAMEHost:port of the GRPC server, required to be accessible by all servers
actionCacheReadOnlyboolean, false Allow/Deny writing to action cache
portInteger, 8980 Listening port of the GRPC server
bindAddressString Listening address of the GRPC server, default for Java Grpc (all interface addresses) if unspecified
casWriteTimeoutInteger, 3600 CAS write timeout (seconds)
bytestreamTimeoutInteger, 3600 Byte Stream write timeout (seconds)
sslCertificatePathString, null Absolute path of the SSL certificate (if TLS used)
sslPrivateKeyPathString, null Absolute path of the SSL private key (if TLS used)
runDispatchedMonitorboolean, true Enable an agent to monitor the operation store to ensure that dispatched operations with expired worker leases are requeued
dispatchedMonitorIntervalSecondsInteger, 1 Dispatched monitor’s lease expiration check interval (seconds)
runOperationQueuerboolean, true Acquire execute request entries cooperatively from an arrival queue on the backplane
ensureOutputsPresentboolean, false Decide if all outputs are also present in the CAS. If any outputs are missing a cache miss is returned
maxCpuInteger, 0 Maximum number of CPU cores that any min/max-cores property may request (0 = unlimited)
maxRequeueAttemptsInteger, 5 Maximum number of requeue attempts for an operation
useDenyListboolean, true Allow usage of a deny list when looking up actions and invocations (for cache only it is recommended to disable this check)
grpcTimeoutInteger, 3600 GRPC request timeout (seconds)
executeKeepaliveAfterSecondsInteger, 60 Execute keep alive (seconds)
recordBesEventsboolean, false Allow recording of BES events
clusterIdString, local Buildfarm cluster ID
cloudRegionString, us-east_1 Deployment region in the cloud
gracefulShutdownSecondsInteger, 0 Time in seconds to allow for connections in flight to finish when shutdown signal is received


  instanceType: SHARD
  name: shard
  actionCacheReadOnly: true
  recordBesEvents: true

GRPC Metrics

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
enabledboolean, falsePublish basic GRPC metrics to a Prometheus endpoint
provideLatencyHistogramsboolean, falsePublish detailed, more expensive to calculate, metrics
labelsToReportList of Strings, []Include custom metrics labels in Prometheus metrics


    enabled: false
    provideLatencyHistograms: false
    labelsToReport: []

Server Caches

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
directoryCacheMaxEntriesLong, 64 * 1024The max number of entries that the directory cache will hold.
commandCacheMaxEntriesLong, 64 * 1024The max number of entries that the command cache will hold.
digestToActionCacheMaxEntriesLong, 64 * 1024The max number of entries that the digest-to-action cache will hold.
recentServedExecutionsCacheMaxEntriesLong, 64 * 1024The max number of entries that the executions cache will hold.


    directoryCacheMaxEntries: 10000
    commandCacheMaxEntries: 10000
    digestToActionCacheMaxEntries: 10000
    recentServedExecutionsCacheMaxEntries: 10000


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
deploymentEnvironmentString, AWS, GCPSpecify deloyment environment in the cloud
clusterEndpointString, grpc://localhostBuildfarm cluster endpoint for Admin use (this is a full buildfarm endpoint)


    deploymentEnvironment: AWS
    clusterEndpoint: "grpc://localhost"


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
publisherString, aws, gcp, logSpecify publisher type for sending metadata
logLevelString, INFO, FINESTSpecify log level (“log” publisher only, all Java util logging levels are allowed here)
topicString, testSpecify SNS topic name for cloud publishing (“aws” publisher only)
topicMaxConnectionsInteger, 1000Specify maximum number of connections allowed for cloud publishing (“aws” publisher only)
secretNameString, testSpecify secret name to pull SNS permissions from (“aws” publisher only)


    publisher: log
    logLevel: INFO
    publisher: aws
    topic: buildfarm-metadata-test
    topicMaxConnections: 1000
    secretName: buildfarm-secret

Redis Backplane

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesEnvironment VarCommand Line ArgumentDescription
typeSHARD  Type of backplane. Currently, the only implementation is SHARD utilizing Redis
redisUriString, redis://localhost:6379REDIS_URI–redis_uriRedis cluster endpoint. This must be a single URI. This can embed a username/password per RFC-3986 Section 3.2.1 and this will take precedence over redisPassword and redisPasswordFile.
redisPasswordString, null  Redis password, if applicable
redisPasswordFileString, null  File to read for a Redis password. If specified, this takes precedence over redisPassword
redisNodesList of Strings, null  List of individual Redis nodes, if applicable
jedisPoolMaxTotalInteger, 4000  The size of the Redis connection pool
workersHashNameString, Workers  Redis key used to store a hash of registered workers
workerChannelString, WorkerChannel  Redis pubsub channel key where changes of the cluster membership are announced
actionCachePrefixString, ActionCache  Redis key prefix for all ActionCache entries
actionCacheExpireInteger, 2419200  The TTL maintained for ActionCache entries, not refreshed on getActionResult hit
actionBlacklistPrefixString, ActionBlacklist  Redis key prefix for all blacklisted actions, which are rejected
actionBlacklistExpireInteger, 3600  The TTL maintained for action blacklist entries
invocationBlacklistPrefixString, InvocationBlacklist  Redis key prefix for blacklisted invocations, suffixed with a a tool invocation ID
operationPrefixString, Operation  Redis key prefix for all operations, suffixed with the operation’s name
operationExpireInteger, 604800  The TTL maintained for all operations, updated on each modification
preQueuedOperationsListNameString, {Arrival}:PreQueuedOperations  Redis key used to store a list of ExecuteEntry awaiting transformation into QueryEntry
processingListNameString, {Arrival}:ProcessingOperations  Redis key of a list used to ensure reliable processing of arrival queue entries with operation watch monitoring
processingPrefixString, Processing  Redis key prefix for operations which are being dequeued from the arrival queue
processingTimeoutMillisInteger, 20000  Delay (in ms) used to populate processing operation entries
queuedOperationsListNameString, {Execution}:QueuedOperations  Redis key used to store a list of QueueEntry awaiting execution by workers
dispatchingPrefixString, Dispatching  Redis key prefix for operations which are being dequeued from the ready to run queue
dispatchingTimeoutMillisInteger, 10000  Delay (in ms) used to populate dispatching operation entries
dispatchedOperationsHashNameString, DispatchedOperations  Redis key of a hash of operation names to the worker lease for its execution, which are monitored by the dispatched monitor
operationChannelPrefixString, OperationChannel  Redis pubsub channel prefix suffixed by an operation name
casPrefixString, ContentAddressableStorage  Redis key prefix suffixed with a blob digest that maps to a set of workers with that blob’s availability
casExpireInteger, 604800  The TTL maintained for CAS entries, which is not refreshed on any read access of the blob
subscribeToBackplaneboolean, true  Enable an agent of the backplane client which subscribes to worker channel and operation channel events. If disabled, responsiveness of watchers and CAS are reduced
runFailsafeOperationboolean, true  Enable an agent in the backplane client which monitors watched operations and ensures they are in a known maintained, or expirable state
maxQueueDepthInteger, 100000  Maximum length that the ready to run queue is allowed to reach to control an arrival flow for execution
maxPreQueueDepthInteger, 1000000  Maximum lengh that the arrival queue is allowed to reach to control load on the Redis cluster
priorityQueueboolean, false  Priority queue type allows prioritizing operations based on Bazel’s –remote_execution_priority= flag
timeoutInteger, 10000  Default timeout
maxInvocationIdTimeoutInteger, 604800  Maximum TTL (Time-to-Live in second) of invocationId keys in RedisBackplane
maxAttemptsInteger, 20  Maximum number of execution attempts
cacheCasboolean, false   


  type: SHARD
  redisUri: "redis://localhost:6379"
  priorityQueue: true

Execution Queues

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
nameStringName of the execution queue (ex: cpu, gpu)
allowUnmatchedboolean, true 
propertiesList of name/value pairsAny specification of min/max-cores will be allowed to support CPU controls and worker resource delegation


  type: SHARD
  redisUri: "redis://localhost:6379"
    - name: "cpu"
      allowUnmatched: true
        - name: "min-cores"
          value: "*"
        - name: "max-cores"
          value: "*"


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesEnvironment VarDescription
portInteger, 8981 Listening port of the worker
publicNameString, DERIVED:portINSTANCE_NAMEHost:port of the GRPC server, required to be accessible by all servers
rootString, /tmp/worker Path for all operation content storage
inlineContentLimitInteger, 1048567 Total size in bytes of inline content for action results, output files, stdout, stderr content
operationPollPeriodInteger, 1 Period between poll operations at any stage
executeStageWidthInteger, 0EXECUTION_STAGE_WIDTHNumber of CPU cores available for execution (0 = system available cores)
executeStageWidthOffsetInteger, 0 Offset number of CPU cores available for execution (to allow for use by other processes)
inputFetchStageWidthInteger, 0 Number of concurrently available slots to fetch inputs (0 = system calculated based on CPU cores)
inputFetchDeadlineInteger, 60 Limit on time (seconds) for input fetch stage to fetch inputs
linkInputDirectoriesboolean, true Use an input directory creation strategy which creates a single directory tree at the highest level containing no output paths of any kind, and symlinks that directory into an action’s execroot, saving large amounts of time spent manufacturing the same read-only input hierirchy over multiple actions’ executions
execOwnerString, null Create exec trees containing directories that are owned by this user
hexBucketLevelsInteger, 0 Number of levels to create for directory storage by leading byte of the hash (problematic, not recommended)
defaultMaxCoresInteger, 0 Constrain all executions to this logical core count unless otherwise specified via min/max-cores (0 = no limit)
limitGlobalExecutionboolean, false Constrain all executions to a pool of logical cores specified in executeStageWidth
onlyMulticoreTestsboolean, false Only permit tests to exceed the default coresvalue for their min/max-cores range specification (only works with non-zero defaultMaxCores)
allowBringYourOwnContainerboolean, false Enable execution in a custom Docker container
errorOperationRemainingResourcesboolean, false  
errorOperationOutputSizeExceededboolean, false Operations which produce single output files which exceed maxEntrySizeBytes will fail with a violation type which implies a user error. When disabled, the violation will indicate a transient error, with the action blacklisted.
realInputDirectoriesList of Strings, external A list of paths that will not be subject to the effects of linkInputDirectories setting, may also be used to provide writable directories as input roots for actions which expect to be able to write to an input location and will fail if they cannot
gracefulShutdownSecondsInteger, 0 Time in seconds to allow for operations in flight to finish when shutdown signal is received
createSymlinkOutputsboolean, false Creates SymlinkNodes for symbolic links discovered in output paths for actions. No verification of the symlink target path occurs. Buildstream, for example, requires this.
zstdBufferPoolSizeInteger, 2048 Specifies the maximum number of zstd data buffers that may be in use concurrently by the filesystem CAS. Increase to improve compressed blob throughput, decrease to reduce memory usage.
  port: 8981
  publicName: "localhost:8981"
    - "external"


ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
casboolean, trueEnables worker to be a shard of the CAS
executionboolean, trueEnables worker to participate in execution pool


    cas: true
    execution: true

Sandbox Settings

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
alwaysUseSandboxboolean, falseEnforce that the sandbox be used on every acion.
alwaysUseCgroupsboolean, trueEnforce that actions run under cgroups.
alwaysUseTmpFsboolean, falseEnforce that the sandbox uses tmpfs on every acion.
selectForBlockNetworkboolean, falseblock-network enables sandbox action execution.
selectForTmpFsboolean, falsetmpfs enables sandbox action execution.


    alwaysUseSandbox: true
    alwaysUseCgroups: true
    alwaysUseTmpFs: true
    selectForBlockNetwork: false
    selectForTmpFs: false

Note: In order for these settings to take effect, you must also configure limitGlobalExecution: true.

Dequeue Match

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
allowUnmatchedboolean, false 
propertiesList of name/value pairsPairs of provisions available to match against action properties


    allowUnmatched: false
      - name: "gpu"
      - value: "nvidia RTX 2090"


A list of limited resources that are available to the worker to be depleted by actions which execute containing a “resource:": "N" property. Note that in order to accept resources from a configured queue, the dequeueMatchSettings must either:

  • specify allowUnmatched: true
  • contain “resource:" in properties, with either a specific limited resource count as the only accepted value for the action property or "*"
ConfigurationAccepted ValuesDescription
namestringResource identifier present on worker
amountIntegerResource count depleted by actions


      - name: "resource:special-compiler-license"
      - value: "1" # only actions which request one compiler license at a time will be accepted
    name: "special-compiler-license"
    amount: 3

Worker CAS

Unless specified, options are only relevant for FILESYSTEM type

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
typeFILESYSTEM, GRPCType of CAS used
pathString, cacheLocal cache location relative to the ‘root’, or absolute
maxSizeBytesInteger, 0Limit for contents of files retained from CAS in the cache, value of 0 means to auto-configure to 90% of root/path underlying filesystem space
fileDirectoriesIndexInMemoryboolean, falseDetermines if the file directories bidirectional mapping should be stored in memory or in sqlite
skipLoadboolean, falseDetermines if transient data on the worker should be loaded into CAS on worker startup (affects startup time)
targetString, nullFor GRPC CAS type, target for external CAS endpoint


This definition will create a filesystem-based CAS file cache at the path “/cache" on the worker that will reject entries over 2GiB in size, and will expire LRU blobs when the aggregate size of all blobs exceeds 2GiB in order to insert additional entries.

    - type: FILESYSTEM
      path: "cache"
      maxSizeBytes: 2147483648 # 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
      maxEntrySizeBytes: 2147483648 # 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024

This definition elides FILESYSTEM configuration with ‘…’, will read-through an external GRPC CAS supporting the REAPI CAS Services into its storage, and will attempt to write expiring entries into the GRPC CAS (i.e. pushing new entries into the head of a worker LRU list will drop the entries from the tail into the GRPC CAS).

    - type: FILESYSTEM
    - type: GRPC
      target: ""

Execution Policies

ConfigurationAccepted and Default ValuesDescription
nameStringExecution policy name
executionWrapperExecution wrapper, containing a path and list of argumentsExecution wrapper, its path and a list of arguments for the wrapper


    - name: test
        path: /
          - arg1
          - arg2

Table of contents