Rust Repositories
Repository rules for defining Rust dependencies and toolchains.
- rules_rust_dependencies
- rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository
- rust_register_toolchains
- rust_repositories
- rust_repository_set
- rust_toolchain_repository
Repository Rules
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rules_rust_dependencies") rules_rust_dependencies()
Dependencies used in the implementation of rules_rust
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository") rust_analyzer_toolchain_repository(name, version, exec_compatible_with, target_compatible_with, sha256s, urls, auth, netrc, auth_patterns)
Assemble a remote rust_analyzer_toolchain target based on the given params.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the toolchain proxy repository contianing the registerable toolchain. | none |
version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version. | none |
exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | [] |
target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | [] |
sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See rust_register_toolchains for more details. | None |
urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['{}.tar.xz'] | None |
auth | Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. See for more details. | None |
netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | None |
auth_patterns | Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | None |
str: The name of a registerable rust_analyzer_toolchain.
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_register_toolchains") rust_register_toolchains(*, dev_components, edition, allocator_library, global_allocator_library, register_toolchains, rustfmt_version, rust_analyzer_version, sha256s, extra_target_triples, extra_rustc_flags, extra_exec_rustc_flags, urls, versions, aliases, hub_name, compact_windows_names, toolchain_triples, rustfmt_toolchain_triples, extra_toolchain_infos)
Emits a default set of toolchains for Linux, MacOS, and Freebsd
Skip this macro and call the rust_repository_set
macros directly if you need a compiler for other hosts or for additional target triples.
The sha256s
attribute represents a dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. As an example:
"rust-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "e3b98bc3440fe92817881933f9564389eccb396f5f431f33d48b979fa2fbdcf5",
"rustfmt-1.4.12-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "1894e76913303d66bf40885a601462844eec15fca9e76a6d13c390d7000d64b0",
"rust-std-1.46.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "ac04aef80423f612c0079829b504902de27a6997214eb58ab0765d02f7ec1dbc",
This would match for exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
. If not specified, rules_rust pulls from a non-exhaustive list of known checksums..
See load_arbitrary_tool
in @rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl
for more details.
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_repositories") rust_repositories(**kwargs)
Deprecated: Use rules_rust_dependencies and rust_register_toolchains directly.
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_repository_set") rust_repository_set(*, name, versions, exec_triple, target_settings, allocator_library, global_allocator_library, extra_target_triples, rustfmt_version, edition, dev_components, extra_rustc_flags, extra_exec_rustc_flags, opt_level, sha256s, urls, auth, netrc, auth_patterns, register_toolchain, exec_compatible_with, default_target_compatible_with, aliases, compact_windows_names)
Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the generated repository | none |
versions | A list of toolchain versions to download. This paramter only accepts one versions per channel. E.g. ["1.65.0", "nightly/2022-11-02", "beta/2020-12-30"] . | none |
exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | none |
target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this set of toolchains to be selected during toolchain resolution. | [] |
allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | None |
global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions a global allocator is used with | None |
extra_target_triples | Additional rust-style targets that this set of toolchains should support. If a map, values should be (optional) target_compatible_with lists for that particular target triple. | {} |
rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain. | None |
edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its edition attribute. | None |
dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components. Requires version to be "nightly". | False |
extra_rustc_flags | Dictionary of target triples to list of extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. | None |
extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration. | None |
opt_level | Dictionary of target triples to optimiztion config. | None |
sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See rust_register_toolchains for more details. | None |
urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | ["{}.tar.xz"] |
auth | Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. See for more details. | None |
netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | None |
auth_patterns | Override mapping of hostnames to authorization patterns; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | None |
register_toolchain | If True, the generated rust_toolchain target will become a registered toolchain. | True |
exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | None |
default_target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain when the exec platform is the same as the target platform. | None |
aliases | Replacement names to use for toolchains created by this macro. | {} |
compact_windows_names | Whether or not to produce compact repository names for windows toolchains. This is to avoid MAX_PATH issues. | True |
dict[str, dict]: A dict of informations about all generated toolchains.
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_toolchain_repository") rust_toolchain_repository(name, version, exec_triple, target_triple, exec_compatible_with, target_compatible_with, target_settings, channel, allocator_library, global_allocator_library, rustfmt_version, edition, dev_components, extra_rustc_flags, extra_exec_rustc_flags, opt_level, sha256s, urls, auth, netrc, auth_patterns)
Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the generated repository | none |
version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | none |
exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on. | none |
target_triple | The Rust-style target to build for. | none |
exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | None |
target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | None |
target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution. | [] |
channel | The channel of the Rust toolchain. | None |
allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | None |
global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with | None |
rustfmt_version | The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain. | None |
edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its edition attribute. | None |
dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components. Requires version to be "nightly". Defaults to False. | False |
extra_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration. | None |
extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration. | None |
opt_level | Optimization level config for this toolchain. | None |
sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See rust_register_toolchains for more details. | None |
urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). Defaults to ['{}.tar.xz'] | ["{}.tar.xz"] |
auth | Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. See for more details. | None |
netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | None |
auth_patterns | A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used. | None |
dict[str, str]: Information about the registerable toolchain created by this rule.
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_toolchain_repository_proxy") rust_toolchain_repository_proxy(name, exec_compatible_with, repo_mapping, target_compatible_with, target_settings, toolchain, toolchain_type)
Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other rust_toolchain_repository.
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
name | A unique name for this repository. | Name | required | |
exec_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the execution platform for this toolchain. | List of strings | optional | [] |
repo_mapping | In WORKSPACE context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.For example, an entry "@foo": "@bar" declares that, for any time this repository depends on @foo (such as a dependency on @foo//some:target , it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared @bar (@bar//some:target ).This attribute is not supported in MODULE.bazel context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function). | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | |
target_compatible_with | A list of constraints for the target platform for this toolchain. | List of strings | optional | [] |
target_settings | A list of config_settings that must be satisfied by the target configuration in order for this toolchain to be selected during toolchain resolution. | List of strings | optional | [] |
toolchain | The name of the toolchain implementation target. | String | required | |
toolchain_type | The toolchain type of the toolchain to declare | String | required |
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rust_toolchain_tools_repository") rust_toolchain_tools_repository(name, allocator_library, auth, auth_patterns, dev_components, edition, exec_triple, extra_exec_rustc_flags, extra_rustc_flags, global_allocator_library, netrc, opt_level, repo_mapping, rustfmt_version, sha256s, target_triple, urls, version)
Composes a single workspace containing the toolchain components for compiling on a given platform to a series of target platforms.
A given instance of this rule should be accompanied by a toolchain_repository_proxy invocation to declare its toolchains to Bazel; the indirection allows separating toolchain selection from toolchain fetching.
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
name | A unique name for this repository. | Name | required | |
allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when rust_library targets are embedded in a cc_binary. | String | optional | "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/allocator_library" |
auth | Auth object compatible with to use when downloading files. See for more details. | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
auth_patterns | A list of patterns to match against urls for which the auth object should be used. | List of strings | optional | [] |
dev_components | Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly". | Boolean | optional | False |
edition | The rust edition to be used by default (2015, 2018, or 2021). If absent, every rule is required to specify its edition attribute. | String | optional | "" |
exec_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on | String | required | |
extra_exec_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration | List of strings | optional | [] |
extra_rustc_flags | Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration | List of strings | optional | [] |
global_allocator_library | Target that provides allocator functions when a global allocator is used with | String | optional | "@rules_rust//ffi/cc/global_allocator_library" |
netrc | .netrc file to use for authentication; mirrors the eponymous attribute from http_archive | String | optional | "" |
opt_level | Rustc optimization levels. For more details see the documentation for rust_toolchain.opt_level . | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
repo_mapping | In WORKSPACE context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.For example, an entry "@foo": "@bar" declares that, for any time this repository depends on @foo (such as a dependency on @foo//some:target , it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared @bar (@bar//some:target ).This attribute is not supported in MODULE.bazel context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function). | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | |
rustfmt_version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | optional | "" |
sha256s | A dict associating tool subdirectories to sha256 hashes. See rust_register_toolchains for more details. | Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
target_triple | The Rust-style target that this compiler builds for. | String | required | |
urls | A list of mirror urls containing the tools from the Rust-lang static file server. These must contain the '{}' used to substitute the tool being fetched (using .format). | List of strings | optional | ["{}.tar.xz"] |
version | The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta", or an exact version. | String | required |