Crate Universe

Crate Universe is a set of Bazel rule for generating Rust targets using Cargo.

This doc describes using crate_universe with bzlmod.

If you're using a WORKSPACE file, please see the WORKSPACE equivalent of this doc.

There are some examples of using crate_universe with bzlmod in the example folder.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  2. Dependencies
  3. Crate reference


To use rules_rust in a project using bzlmod, add the following to your MODULE.bazel file:

bazel_dep(name = "rules_rust", version = "0.57.1")

You find the latest version on the release page.

After adding rules_rust in your MODULE.bazel, set the following to begin using crate_universe:

crate = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extensions.bzl", "crate")
//  # ... Dependencies
use_repo(crate, "crates")


There are three different ways to declare dependencies in your MODULE.

  1. Cargo workspace
  2. Direct Dependencies
  3. Binary Dependencies
  4. Vendored Dependencies

Cargo Workspaces

One of the simpler ways to wire up dependencies would be to first structure your project into a Cargo workspace. The crates_repository rule can ingest a root Cargo.toml file and generate Bazel dependencies from there. You find a complete example in the in the example folder.

crate = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extensions.bzl", "crate")

    name = "crates",
    cargo_lockfile = "//:Cargo.lock",
    manifests = ["//:Cargo.toml"],
use_repo(crate, "crates")

Note if using Private Crate Registries

If you are using from_cargo and are pulling dependencies from a private crate registry such as Artifactory, make sure you set the CARGO_BAZEL_ISOLATED=false bazel build //... environmental. If not crates_universe will not be able to pull from your private registry.

The generated crates_repository contains helper macros which make collecting dependencies for Bazel targets simpler. Notably, the all_crate_deps and aliases macros ( see Dependencies API) commonly allow the Cargo.toml files to be the single source of truth for dependencies. Since these macros come from the generated repository, the dependencies and alias definitions they return will automatically update BUILD targets. In your BUILD files, you use these macros for a Rust library as shown below:

load("@crate_index//:defs.bzl", "aliases", "all_crate_deps")
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test")

    name = "lib",
    aliases = aliases(),
    deps = all_crate_deps(
        normal = True,
    proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps(
        proc_macro = True,

    name = "unit_test",
    crate = ":lib",
    aliases = aliases(
        normal_dev = True,
        proc_macro_dev = True,
    deps = all_crate_deps(
        normal_dev = True,
    proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps(
        proc_macro_dev = True,

For a Rust binary that does not depend on any macro, use the following configuration in your build file:

    name = "bin",
    srcs = ["src/"],
    deps = all_crate_deps(normal = True),

You have to repin before your first build to ensure all Bazel targets for the macros are generated.

Dependency syncing and updating is done in the repository rule which means it's done during the analysis phase of builds. As mentioned in the environments variable table above, the CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN (or REPIN) environment variables can be used to force the rule to update dependencies and potentially render a new lockfile. Given an instance of this repository rule named crates, the easiest way to repin dependencies is to run:

CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN=1 bazel sync --only=crates

This will result in all dependencies being updated for a project. The CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN environment variable can also be used to customize how dependencies are updated. For more details about repin, please refer to the documentation.

Direct Dependencies

In cases where Rust targets have heavy interactions with other Bazel targets (Cc, Proto, etc.), maintaining Cargo.toml files may have diminishing returns as things like rust-analyzer begin to be confused about missing targets or environment variables defined only in Bazel. In situations like this, it may be desirable to have a "Cargo free" setup. You find an example in the in the example folder.

crates_repository supports this through the packages attribute, as shown below.

crate = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extensions.bzl", "crate")

crate.spec(package = "serde", features = ["derive"], version = "1.0")
crate.spec(package = "serde_json", version = "1.0")
crate.spec(package = "tokio", default_features = False, features = ["macros", "net", "rt-multi-thread"], version = "1.38")

use_repo(crate, "crates")

Consuming dependencies may be more ergonomic in this case through the aliases defined in the new repository. In your BUILD files, you use direct dependencies as shown below:

    name = "bin",
    crate_root = "src/",
    srcs = glob([
    deps = [
        # External crates
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Notice, direct dependencies do not need repining. Only a cargo workspace needs updating whenever the underlying Cargo.toml file changed.

Binary Dependencies

With cargo you can install binary dependencies (bindeps) as well with cargo install command.

We don't have such easy facilities available in bazel besides specifying it as a dependency. To mimic cargo's bindeps feature we use the unstable feature called artifact-dependencies which integrates well with bazel concepts.

You could use the syntax specified in the above document to place it in Cargo.toml. For that you can consult the following example.

This method has the following consequences:

  • if you use shared dependency tree with your project these binary dependencies will interfere with yours (may conflict)
  • you have to use nightly host_tools_repo to generate dependencies because

Alternatively you can specify this in a separate repo with cargo.from_specs syntax:

bindeps = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extension.bzl", "crate")

bindeps.spec(package = "cargo-machete", version = "=0.7.0", artifact = "bin")
bindeps.annotation(crate = "cargo-machete", gen_all_binaries = True)

  name = "bindeps",
  host_tools_repo = "rust_host_tools_nightly",

use_repo(bindeps, "bindeps")

You can run the specified binary dependency with the following command or create additional more complex rules on top of it.

bazel run @bindeps//:cargo-machete__cargo-machete

Notice, direct dependencies do not need repining. Only a cargo workspace needs updating whenever the underlying Cargo.toml file changed.

Vendored Dependencies

In some cases, it is require that all external dependencies are vendored, meaning downloaded and stored in the workspace. This helps, for example, to conduct licence scans, apply custom patches, or to ensure full build reproducibility since no download error could possibly occur. You find a complete example in the in the example folder.

For the setup, you need to add the skylib in addition to the rust rules to your MODUE.bazel.

    name = "deps_vendored",
    version = "0.0.0"
# B A Z E L  C E N T R A L  R E G I S T R Y #
bazel_dep(name = "bazel_skylib", version = "1.7.1")

bazel_dep(name = "rules_rust", version = "0.57.1")

# T O O L C H A I N S

# Rust toolchain
RUST_VERSION = "1.80.1"

rust = use_extension("@rules_rust//rust:extensions.bzl", "rust")
    edition = RUST_EDITION,
    versions = [RUST_VERSION],
use_repo(rust, "rust_toolchains")

# R U S T  C R A T E S
crate = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extensions.bzl", "crate")

Note, it is important to load the crate_universe rules otherwise you will get an error as the rule set is needed in the vendored target.

Assuming you have a package called basic in which you want to vendor dependencies, then you create a folder basic/3rdparty. The folder name can be arbitrary, but by convention, its either thirdparty or 3rdparty to indicate vendored dependencies. In the 3rdparty folder, you add a target crates_vendor to declare your dependencies to vendor. In the example, we vendor a specific version of bzip2.

load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crate", "crates_vendor")

    name = "crates_vendor",
    annotations = {
        "bzip2-sys": [crate.annotation(
            gen_build_script = True,
    cargo_lockfile = "Cargo.Bazel.lock",
    generate_build_scripts = False,
    mode = "remote",
    packages = {
        "bzip2": crate.spec(
            version = "=0.3.3",
    repository_name = "basic",
    tags = ["manual"],

Next, you have to run Cargo build to generate a Cargo.lock file with all resolved dependencies. Then, you rename Cargo.lock to Cargo.Bazel.lock and place it inside the basic/3rdparty folder.

At this point, you have the following folder and files:

    |-- 3rdparty
    |   |-- BUILD.bazel
    |   |-- Cargo.Bazel.lock

Now you can run the crates_vendor target:

bazel run //basic/3rdparty:crates_vendor

This generates a crate folders with all configurations for the vendored dependencies.

    |-- 3rdparty
    |   |-- cratea
    |   |-- BUILD.bazel
    |   |-- Cargo.Bazel.lock

Suppose you have an application in basic/src that is defined in basic/BUILD.bazel and that depends on a vendored dependency. You find a list of all available vendored dependencies in the BUILD file of the generated folder: basic/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel You declare a vendored dependency in you target as following:

load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary")

    name = "hello_sys",
    srcs = ["src/"],
    deps = ["//basic/3rdparty/crates:bzip2"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Note, the vendored dependency is not yet accessible because you have to define first how to load the vendored dependencies. For that, you first create a file sys_deps.bzl and add the following content:

# rename the default name "crate_repositories" in case you import multiple vendored folders.
load("//basic/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", basic_crate_repositories = "crate_repositories")

def sys_deps():
    # Load the vendored dependencies

This is straightforward, you import the generated crate_repositories from the crates folder, rename it to avoid name clashes in case you import from multiple vendored folders, and then just load the vendored dependencies.

In a WORKSPACE configuration, you would just load and call sys_deps(), but in a MODULE configuration, you cannot do that. Instead, you create a new file WORKSPACE.bzlmod and add the following content.

load("//:sys_deps.bzl", "sys_deps")

Now, you can build the project as usual.

There are some more examples of using crate_universe with bzlmod in the example folder.


crate = use_extension("@rules_rust//crate_universe:extensions.bzl", "crate")
crate.annotation(deps, data, additive_build_file, additive_build_file_content, alias_rule,
                 build_script_data, build_script_data_glob, build_script_deps, build_script_env,
                 build_script_proc_macro_deps, build_script_rundir, build_script_rustc_env,
                 build_script_toolchains, build_script_tools, compile_data, compile_data_glob, crate,
                 crate_features, data_glob, disable_pipelining, extra_aliased_targets,
                 gen_all_binaries, gen_binaries, gen_build_script, override_target_bin,
                 override_target_build_script, override_target_lib, override_target_proc_macro,
                 patch_args, patch_tool, patches, proc_macro_deps, repositories, rustc_env,
                 rustc_env_files, rustc_flags, shallow_since, version)
crate.from_cargo(name, cargo_config, cargo_lockfile, generate_binaries, generate_build_scripts,
                 host_tools_repo, isolated, lockfile, manifests, supported_platform_triples)
crate.from_specs(name, cargo_config, cargo_lockfile, generate_binaries, generate_build_scripts,
                 host_tools_repo, isolated, lockfile, supported_platform_triples)
crate.render_config(build_file_template, crate_alias_template, crate_label_template,
                    crate_repository_template, crates_module_template, default_alias_rule_bzl,
                    default_alias_rule_name, default_package_name, generate_rules_license_metadata,
                    generate_target_compatible_with, platforms_template, regen_command, repositories,
crate.spec(artifact, branch, default_features, features, git, lib, package, repositories, rev, tag,
crate.splicing_config(repositories, resolver_version)

Crate universe module extensions.

Environment Variables:

CARGO_BAZEL_GENERATOR_SHA256The sha256 checksum of the file located at CARGO_BAZEL_GENERATOR_URL
CARGO_BAZEL_GENERATOR_URLThe URL of a cargo-bazel binary. This variable takes precedence over attributes and can use file:// for local paths
CARGO_BAZEL_ISOLATEDAn authoritative flag as to whether or not the CARGO_HOME environment variable should be isolated from the host configuration
CARGO_BAZEL_REPINAn indicator that the dependencies represented by the rule should be regenerated. REPIN may also be used. See Repinning / Updating Dependencies for more details.
CARGO_BAZEL_REPIN_ONLYA comma-delimited allowlist for rules to execute repinning. Can be useful if multiple instances of the repository rule are used in a Bazel workspace, but repinning should be limited to one of them.



A collection of extra attributes and settings for a particular crate.


depsA list of labels to add to a crate's rust_library::deps attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
dataA list of labels to add to a crate's rust_library::data attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
additive_build_fileA file containing extra contents to write to the bottom of generated BUILD files.LabeloptionalNone
additive_build_file_contentExtra contents to write to the bottom of generated BUILD files.Stringoptional""
alias_ruleAlias rule to use instead of native.alias(). Overrides render_config's 'default_alias_rule'.Stringoptional""
build_script_dataA list of labels to add to a crate's cargo_build_script::data attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
build_script_data_globA list of glob patterns to add to a crate's cargo_build_script::data attributeList of stringsoptional[]
build_script_depsA list of labels to add to a crate's cargo_build_script::deps attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
build_script_envAdditional environment variables to set on a crate's cargo_build_script::env attribute.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
build_script_proc_macro_depsA list of labels to add to a crate's cargo_build_script::proc_macro_deps attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
build_script_rundirAn override for the build script's rundir attribute.Stringoptional""
build_script_rustc_envAdditional environment variables to set on a crate's cargo_build_script::env attribute.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
build_script_toolchainsA list of labels to set on a crates's cargo_build_script::toolchains attribute.List of labelsoptional[]
build_script_toolsA list of labels to add to a crate's cargo_build_script::tools attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
compile_dataA list of labels to add to a crate's rust_library::compile_data attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
compile_data_globA list of glob patterns to add to a crate's rust_library::compile_data attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
crateThe name of the crate the annotation is applied toStringrequired
crate_featuresA list of strings to add to a crate's rust_library::crate_features attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
data_globA list of glob patterns to add to a crate's rust_library::data attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
disable_pipeliningIf True, disables pipelining for library targets for this crate.BooleanoptionalFalse
extra_aliased_targetsA list of targets to add to the generated aliases in the root crate_universe repository.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
gen_all_binariesIf true, generates rust_binary targets for all of the crates binsBooleanoptionalFalse
gen_binariesAs a list, the subset of the crate's bins that should get rust_binary targets produced.List of stringsoptional[]
gen_build_scriptAn authoritative flag to determine whether or not to produce cargo_build_script targets for the current crate. Supported values are 'on', 'off', and 'auto'.Stringoptional"auto"
override_target_binAn optional alternate target to use when something depends on this crate to allow the parent repo to provide its own version of this dependency.LabeloptionalNone
override_target_build_scriptAn optional alternate target to use when something depends on this crate to allow the parent repo to provide its own version of this dependency.LabeloptionalNone
override_target_libAn optional alternate target to use when something depends on this crate to allow the parent repo to provide its own version of this dependency.LabeloptionalNone
override_target_proc_macroAn optional alternate target to use when something depends on this crate to allow the parent repo to provide its own version of this dependency.LabeloptionalNone
patch_argsThe patch_args attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See http_archive.patch_argsList of stringsoptional[]
patch_toolThe patch_tool attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See http_archive.patch_toolStringoptional""
patchesThe patches attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See http_archive.patchesList of labelsoptional[]
proc_macro_depsA list of labels to add to a crate's rust_library::proc_macro_deps attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
repositoriesA list of repository names specified from crate.from_cargo(name=...) that this annotation is applied to. Defaults to all repositories.List of stringsoptional[]
rustc_envAdditional variables to set on a crate's rust_library::rustc_env attribute.Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
rustc_env_filesA list of labels to set on a crate's rust_library::rustc_env_files attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
rustc_flagsA list of strings to set on a crate's rust_library::rustc_flags attribute.List of stringsoptional[]
shallow_sinceAn optional timestamp used for crates originating from a git repository instead of a crate registry. This flag optimizes fetching the source code.Stringoptional""
versionThe versions of the crate the annotation is applied to. Defaults to all versions.Stringoptional"*"


Generates a repo @crates from a Cargo.toml / Cargo.lock pair.


nameThe name of the repo to generateNameoptional"crates"
cargo_configA Cargo configuration file.LabeloptionalNone
cargo_lockfileThe path to an existing Cargo.lock fileLabeloptionalNone
generate_binariesWhether to generate rust_binary targets for all the binary crates in every package. By default only the rust_library targets are generated.BooleanoptionalFalse
generate_build_scriptsWhether or not to generate cargo build scripts by default.BooleanoptionalTrue
host_tools_repoThe name of the rust_host_tools repository to use.Stringoptional"rust_host_tools"
isolatedIf true, CARGO_HOME will be overwritten to a directory within the generated repository in order to prevent other uses of Cargo from impacting having any effect on the generated targets produced by this rule. For users who either have multiple crate_repository definitions in a WORKSPACE or rapidly re-pin dependencies, setting this to false may improve build times. This variable is also controled by CARGO_BAZEL_ISOLATED environment variable.BooleanoptionalTrue
lockfileThe path to a file to use for reproducible renderings. If set, this file must exist within the workspace (but can be empty) before this rule will work.LabeloptionalNone
manifestsA list of Cargo manifests (Cargo.toml files).List of labelsoptional[]
supported_platform_triplesA set of all platform triples to consider when generating dependencies.List of stringsoptional["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-wasip1", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-unknown-nixos-gnu"]


Generates a repo @crates from the defined spec tags.


nameThe name of the repo to generate.Nameoptional"crates"
cargo_configA Cargo configuration file.LabeloptionalNone
cargo_lockfileThe path to an existing Cargo.lock fileLabeloptionalNone
generate_binariesWhether to generate rust_binary targets for all the binary crates in every package. By default only the rust_library targets are generated.BooleanoptionalFalse
generate_build_scriptsWhether or not to generate cargo build scripts by default.BooleanoptionalTrue
host_tools_repoThe name of the rust_host_tools repository to use.Stringoptional"rust_host_tools"
isolatedIf true, CARGO_HOME will be overwritten to a directory within the generated repository in order to prevent other uses of Cargo from impacting having any effect on the generated targets produced by this rule. For users who either have multiple crate_repository definitions in a WORKSPACE or rapidly re-pin dependencies, setting this to false may improve build times. This variable is also controled by CARGO_BAZEL_ISOLATED environment variable.BooleanoptionalTrue
lockfileThe path to a file to use for reproducible renderings. If set, this file must exist within the workspace (but can be empty) before this rule will work.LabeloptionalNone
supported_platform_triplesA set of all platform triples to consider when generating dependencies.List of stringsoptional["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-wasip1", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-unknown-nixos-gnu"]


Various settings used to configure rendered outputs.

The template parameters each support a select number of format keys. A description of each key can be found below where the supported keys for each template can be found in the parameter docs

nameThe name of the crate. Eg tokio
repositoryThe rendered repository name for the crate. Directly relates to crate_repository_template.
tripleA platform triple. Eg x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
versionThe crate version. Eg 1.2.3
targetThe library or binary target of the crate
fileThe basename of a file


build_file_templateThe base template to use for BUILD file names. The available format keys are [{name}, {version}`].Stringoptional"//:BUILD.{name}-{version}.bazel"
crate_alias_templateThe base template to use for crate labels. The available format keys are [{repository}, {name}, {version}, {target}].Stringoptional"@{repository}//:{name}-{version}-{target}"
crate_label_templateThe base template to use for crate labels. The available format keys are [{repository}, {name}, {version}, {target}].Stringoptional"@{repository}__{name}-{version}//:{target}"
crate_repository_templateThe base template to use for Crate label repository names. The available format keys are [{repository}, {name}, {version}].Stringoptional"{repository}__{name}-{version}"
crates_module_templateThe pattern to use for the defs.bzl and BUILD.bazel file names used for the crates module. The available format keys are [{file}].Stringoptional"//:{file}"
default_alias_rule_bzlAlias rule to use when generating aliases for all crates. Acceptable values are 'alias', 'dbg'/'fastbuild'/'opt' (transitions each crate's compilation_mode) or a string representing a rule in the form '<label to .bzl>:' that takes a single label parameter 'actual'. See '@crate_index//:alias_rules.bzl' for an example.LabeloptionalNone
default_alias_rule_nameAlias rule to use when generating aliases for all crates. Acceptable values are 'alias', 'dbg'/'fastbuild'/'opt' (transitions each crate's compilation_mode) or a string representing a rule in the form '<label to .bzl>:' that takes a single label parameter 'actual'. See '@crate_index//:alias_rules.bzl' for an example.Stringoptional"alias"
default_package_nameThe default package name to use in the rendered macros. This affects the auto package detection of things like all_crate_deps.Stringoptional""
generate_rules_license_metadataWhether to generate rules license metedata.BooleanoptionalFalse
generate_target_compatible_withWhether to generate target_compatible_with annotations on the generated BUILD files. This catches a target_triple being targeted that isn't declared in supported_platform_triples.BooleanoptionalTrue
platforms_templateThe base template to use for platform names. See platforms documentation. The available format keys are [{triple}].Stringoptional"@rules_rust//rust/platform:{triple}"
regen_commandAn optional command to demonstrate how generated files should be regenerated.Stringoptional""
repositoriesA list of repository names specified from crate.from_cargo(name=...) that this annotation is applied to. Defaults to all repositories.List of stringsoptional[]
vendor_modeAn optional configuration for rendering content to be rendered into repositories.Stringoptional""


A constructor for a crate dependency.


artifactSet to 'bin' to pull in a binary crate as an artifact dependency. Requires a nightly Cargo.Stringoptional""
branchThe git branch of the remote crate. Tied with the git param. Only one of branch, tag or rev may be specified. Specifying rev is recommended for fully-reproducible builds.Stringoptional""
default_featuresMaps to the default-features flag.BooleanoptionalTrue
featuresA list of features to use for the crate.List of stringsoptional[]
gitThe Git url to use for the crate. Cannot be used with version.Stringoptional""
libIf using artifact = 'bin', additionally setting lib = True declares a dependency on both the package's library and binary, as opposed to just the binary.BooleanoptionalFalse
packageThe explicit name of the package.Stringrequired
repositoriesA list of repository names specified from crate.from_cargo(name=...) that this spec is applied to. Defaults to all repositories.List of stringsoptional[]
revThe git revision of the remote crate. Tied with the git param. Only one of branch, tag or rev may be specified.Stringoptional""
tagThe git tag of the remote crate. Tied with the git param. Only one of branch, tag or rev may be specified. Specifying rev is recommended for fully-reproducible builds.Stringoptional""
versionThe exact version of the crate. Cannot be used with git.Stringoptional""


Various settings used to configure Cargo manifest splicing behavior.


repositoriesA list of repository names specified from crate.from_cargo(name=...) that this annotation is applied to. Defaults to all repositories.List of stringsoptional[]
resolver_versionThe resolver version to use in generated Cargo manifests. This flag is only used when splicing a manifest from direct package definitions. See crates_repository::packagesStringoptional"2"