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rules_pkg - 0.4.0


Common Attributes

These attributes are used in several rules within this module.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
out Name of the output file. This file will always be created and used to access the package content. If package_file_name is also specified, out will be a symlink. String required  
package_file_name The name of the file which will contain the package. The name may contain variables in the form {var}. The values for substitution are specified through package_variables. String optional package type specific
package_variables A target that provides PackageVariablesInfo to substitute into package_file_name. Label optional None
attributes Attributes to set on entities created within packages. Not to be confused with bazel rule attributes. See ‘Mapping “Attributes”’ below Undefined. optional Varies. Consult individual rule documentation for details.

See examples/naming_package_files for examples of how out, package_file_name, and package_variables interact.

Mapping “Attributes”

The “attributes” attribute specifies properties of package contents as used in rules such as pkg_files, and pkg_mkdirs. These allow fine-grained control of the contents of your package. For example:

attributes = pkg_attributes(
    mode = "0644",
    user = "root",
    group = "wheel",
    my_custom_attribute = "some custom value",

mode, user, and group correspond to common UNIX-style filesystem permissions. Attributes should always be specified using the pkg_attributes helper macro.

Each mapping rule has some default mapping attributes. At this time, the only default is “mode”, which will be set if it is not otherwise overridden by the user.

If user and group are not specified, then defaults for them will be chosen by the underlying package builder. Any specific behavior from package builders should not be relied upon.

Any other attributes should be specified as additional arguments to pkg_attributes.

There are currently no other well-known attributes.


pkg_tar(name, extension, strip_prefix, package_dir, srcs,
        mode, modes, deps, symlinks, package_file_name, package_variables)

Creates a tar file from a list of inputs.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

extension String, default to 'tar'

The extension for the resulting tarball. The output file will be 'name.extension'. This extension also decide on the compression: if set to tar.gz or tgz then gzip compression will be used and if set to tar.bz2 or tar.bzip2 then bzip2 compression will be used.

strip_prefix String, optional

Root path of the files.

The directory structure from the files is preserved inside the tarball but a prefix path determined by strip_prefix is removed from the directory structure. This path can be absolute from the workspace root if starting with a / or relative to the rule's directory. A relative path may start with "./" (or be ".") but cannot use ".." to go up level(s). By default, the strip_prefix attribute is unused and all files are supposed to have no prefix. A strip_prefix of "" (the empty string) means the same as the default.

package_dir String, optional

Target directory.

The directory in which to expand the specified files, defaulting to '/'. Only makes sense accompanying files.

srcs List of files, optional

File to add to the layer.

A list of files that should be included in the archive.

mode String, default to 0555

Set the mode of files added by the srcs attribute.

mtime int, seconds since Jan 1, 1970, default to -1 (ignored)

Set the modification time of files added by the srcs attribute.

portable_mtime bool, default True

Set the modification time of files added by the srcs attribute to a 2000-01-01.

modes Dictionary, default to '{}'

A string dictionary to change default mode of specific files from srcs. Each key should be a path to a file before appending the prefix package_dir and the corresponding value the octal permission of to apply to the file.

modes = { "tools/py/": "0755", ... },

owner String, default to '0.0'

UID.GID to set the default numeric owner for all files provided in srcs.

owners Dictionary, default to '{}'

A string dictionary to change default owner of specific files from srcs. Each key should be a path to a file before appending the prefix package_dir and the corresponding value the UID.GID numeric string for the owner of the file. When determining owner ids, this attribute is looked first then owner.

owners = { "tools/py/": "42.24", ... },

ownername String, optional

username.groupname to set the default owner for all files provided in srcs (by default there is no owner names).

ownernames Dictionary, default to '{}'

A string dictionary to change default owner of specific files from srcs. Each key should be a path to a file before appending the prefix package_dir and the corresponding value the username.groupname string for the owner of the file. When determining ownernames, this attribute is looked first then ownername.

owners = { "tools/py/": "leeroy.jenkins", ... },

deps List of labels, optional

Tar files to extract and include in this tar package.

A list of tarball labels to merge into the output tarball.

symlinks Dictionary, optional

Symlinks to create in the output tarball.

symlinks = { "/path/to/link": "/path/to/target", ... },

remap_paths Dictionary, optional

Source path prefixes to remap in the tarfile.

remap_paths = { "original/path/prefix": "replaced/path", ... },

package_file_name See Common Attributes
package_variables See Common Attributes


pkg_zip(name, extension, package_dir, srcs, timestamp, package_file_name,

Creates a zip file from a list of inputs.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

extension String, default to 'zip'

Deprecated. Use out or package_file_name to specify the output file name. The extension for the resulting zipfile. The output file will be 'name.extension'.

package_dir String, default to '/'

Target directory inside zip.

The prefix of all paths in the zip.

srcs List of files, optional

File to add to the layer.

A list of files that should be included in the archive.

timestamp Integer, default to 315532800

The time to use for every file in the zip, expressed as seconds since Unix Epoch, RFC 3339.

Due to limitations in the format of zip files, values before Jan 1, 1980 will be rounded up and the precision in the zip file is limited to a granularity of 2 seconds.

package_file_name See Common Attributes
package_variables See Common Attributes


pkg_deb(name, data, package, architecture, maintainer, preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm,
        version, version_file, description, description_file, built_using, built_using_file,
        priority, section, homepage, depends, suggests, enhances, breaks, conflicts,
        predepends, recommends, replaces, package_file_name, package_variables)

Create a debian package. See for more details on this.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

data File, required

A tar file that contains the data for the debian package (basically the list of files that will be installed by this package).

package String, required

The name of the package.

architecture String, default to 'all'

The architecture that this package target.


maintainer String, required

The maintainer of the package.

preinst, postinst, prerm and postrm Files, optional

Respectively, the pre-install, post-install, pre-remove and post-remove scripts for the package.


config File, optional

config file used for debconf integration.


templates File, optional

templates file used for debconf integration.


triggers File, optional

triggers file for configuring installation events exchanged by packages.


conffiles, conffiles_file String list or File, optional

The list of conffiles or a file containing one conffile per line. Each item is an absolute path on the target system where the deb is installed.


version, version_file String or File, required

The package version provided either inline (with version) or from a file (with version_file).

description, description_file String or File, required

The package description provided either inline (with description) or from a file (with description_file).

built_using, built_using_file String or File

The tool that were used to build this package provided either inline (with built_using) or from a file (with built_using_file).

priority String, default to 'optional'

The priority of the package.


section String, default to 'contrib/devel'

The section of the package.


homepage String, optional

The homepage of the project.

breaks, depends, suggests, enhances, conflicts, predepends, recommends, replaces and provides. String list, optional

The list of dependencies in the project.


package_file_name See Common Attributes Default: "%{package}-%{version}-%{architecture}.deb"
package_variables See Common Attributes


pkg_rpm(name, spec_file, architecture, version, version_file, changelog, data)

Create an RPM package. See for more details on this.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule. Used to name the output package.

spec_file File, required

The RPM specification file used to generate the package.


architecture String, default to 'all'

The architecture that this package target.

version, version_file String or File, required

The package version provided either inline (with version) or from a file (with version_file).

data Files, required

Files to include in the generated package.